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Built between the 11th and 13th centuries, the church, classified as a Historic Monument for its choir covered with ribbed vaults and its bell tower, is worth a look. The building is remarkable for its fortified appearance reinforced.
Opposite the church, don’t miss the oldest house in the village dating from the Renaissance. It is easy to recognize thanks to its windows with braced lintels, its old doors and the traces of an old stall.
At the foot of the village, a walking and hiking route invites you to take a rural break along the water. You just have to walk along the Ligueure stream, rich in numerous washhouses and mills, to join the Chambon river a little further.
During the first half of the 20th century, the department of Deux-Sèvres acquired an important network of secondary railway lines. The one connecting Saint-Maixent to Saint-Laurs was never used, work having been stopped by the First World War. Structures, such as the piles of the viaduct passing over Chemin de Coutard, are still visible today along the Ligueure. The tram station, which has become a dwelling house, can be spotted above the valley.
Discover them on our Trail itinerary
Discover the charms of the village on the Tèrra Aventura trail.
Zéchopp invites you to wander through the flower-lined streets of the village. In his company, retrace the steps of the Poitevin pioneers who left to populate Canada in the 17th century, and discover the history of trade between the two continents. Just beware of this cunning fellow.
Fairs in Augé are an ancestral tradition! It has become an unmissable festive event in Augé: the “Mulled Wine Fair” is organized every year in January.
Thus, festive events, belote and shuffleboard competitions as well as hiking and mountain biking are organized.
Its origin dates back to the period of the Middle Ages when the lord authorized the sale of wine in his lordship, reserving the exclusivity of the sale of wine of his personal production for 40 days after the harvest. Today, the event marks a highlight in the village with exhibitions of craftsmen and a festive time.